Proline - a brand by Visual Creation
Proline is a festive system lighting, that can do everything and it is also easy to handle. Combine all individual articles freely according to your wishes into a staging. Our proline series includes string lights, icicle light, drop light, rope light, light motifs in 2D and 3D as well as the appropriate accessories.
You can also download our proline manual. There you will find everything you need to plan our system lighting. From the basics of LED to the planning principles to the planning of complex lighting concepts using case studies. All of this is just as easy to understand as the proline system can be operated.
String Lights
Indoor and Outdoor with light colors blue, warm white and cold white, cable green black, white and transparent.
Icicle Light
Outdoor in two light colors and different length.
Drop Light
Indoor and outdoor in five different length or to configure by ourself.
Rope Light
Implement your own creative products wiht rope light warm white and cold white.
Choose from a big selection of 2D and 3D lightening items.
Seite für Seite kreative Ideen. In- und Outdoor Dekorationen am Puls der Zeit.
Visual Creation
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